The original Ariondaz bubble lift that was built in 1974 has been replaced with a quicker and more efficient lift. You’ll no longer have to endure the 10 minute wait that it took to get up the hill or wait in long queues.

The replacement takes less than 7 minutes and is a great addition for skiers and snowboarders eager to get out on the slopes. It now has the capacity to carry 2,400 skiers per hour in 8 person bubbles and to ensure you experience a comfy ride, the bubbles use tubular pylons rather than electricity pylons in order to meet with Courchevel’s visual and environmental impact policy.
With the new lift being able to transport more people per hour, it significantly reduces queue waiting time so again, your experience is much more enjoyable.
This new development is also the first in France to be lit both inside and out with LED’s powered by onboard solar panels making it ultra-modern. The lift will be open at night, twice a week for those who can’t seem to drag themselves from the mountains for skiing and tobogganing. It will follow the same route as the previous one, providing easy access to and from the snow front so all you’ll have to get used to is the greatly improved lift system.
We can’t wait for its opening in December and we hope to see you there too! For more information regarding the resorts latest developments, click here. In the meantime, if you’re planning a trip to Courchevel and are still searching for suitable accommodation, why not take a look at our chalets available?
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